Our mission is to empower individuals and families impacted by public system injustices through advocacy, community networking, and teaching strategies to effectively navigate challenges.
BFA is a newly formed nonprofit serving various communities in NJ with a unique multi-disciplinary service delivery, inclusive of financial education, health & wellness, workforce development, and social services. BFA is strongly committed to serving the most vulnerable who have suffered system injustice. We empower families by providing opportunities to learn crucial financial information, connect, and network for the purpose of teaching self-advocacy for greater economic choice.
It is our goal to establish a wraparound approach within our organizational structure that will provide a sphere of services that protects and nurtures the communities we serve. This speaks to BFA’s understanding that the Health (with a capital “H”) of any community is well-measured by where we learn, work and play. “Stable housing, quality schools, access to good jobs, and neighborhood safety are some important influences, as are culturally competent services”. (RWJF). BFA is committed to addressing the social determinants of health through place-based neighborhood planning so that all our neighbors can live the healthiest life possible.
Board Members
- Angelo Abreu, Chair
- Kevin Dunshee Sr. Secretary
- Kevin Dunshee Jr. Board member
- Paul Sears Board Member
- Libell Duran Board Member
- Melvin Rodriguez Board Member
- Monica Van Pelt Board Member
- Barry pinckney Board Member